Annalisa Guerri was born in 1979 in Rome, Italy.
She is a sculptor who uses clay as main material.
Since the adolescence she has experimented in different fields of art as ceramic, sculpture, graphic art, design and naturalistic illustration.
In 2009 she was selected as artist in residence at Guldegergaard, the International Ceramic Research Center in Denmark and in 2013 she took part to a second artist in residence program at the Yingge Ceramics Museum in New Taipei City in Taiwan.
She has presented her works in numerous national and international shows.

The most significant:


Terra-Cotta – Galleria Francesca Antonini – Rome – Italy


Imaginarium – Rbfinart Gallery – Milan – Italy

XXXIX Concorso Internazionale della Ceramica d’Arte – Rocca Flea – Gualdo Tadino (PG) – Italy

Fare – Dialetto Design – Fondazione Melvina Menegaz – Calstelbasso (TE) – Italy


From Pottery to Visual Art – Teijon Masuuni – Teijo – Finland

Keramikos 2016 – Palazzo degli Alessandri – Viterbo – Italy

Opening – Scene Ouverte Gallery – Paris – France

Imaging the Blue and White – Yingge Ceramic Museum – New Taipei City – Taiwan


Terrae – La Ceramica nell’Informale e nella Ricerca Contemporanea, Pinacoteca Comunale – Città di Castello (PG) – Italy

Brocche d’Autore – Palazzo dei Consoli – Gubbio – (PG) – Italy

La Scultura Ceramica Contemporanea in Italia – GNAM Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea – Rome – Italy


Change 3 – Centro Ceramico Fornace Pagliero – Castellamonte (TO) – Italy


Futuro Anteriore – Cattedrale ex-macello – Padova – Italy

XI Biennale Internazionale di Arte Ceramica di Aveiro – Museo di Aveiro – Portugal

4th ICMEA Symposium 2013 – Fuping Pottery Art Village – Fuping – China


BACC – I Biennale Arte Ceramica Contemporanea – Scuderie Aldobrandini – Frascati – Rome – Italy


XVI Edizione – Vaselle D’Autore- curatore Nino Caruso – Palazzo Malizia – Torgiano (PG) – Italy

Italian Pavilion 54° Biennale di Venezia – Regione Lazio – Palazzo Venezia – Rome – Italy

NOVAS Contemporary Urban Centre – Liverpool – UK


Nice Festival 2010 – Islington Mill Studios – Manchester – UK

XI International Ex-tempore of Ceramics – Obalne galerije – Piran – Slovenija

Keramikos 2010 – IV Ceramic Art International Festival – Bracciano (RM) – Italy

Grimmerhus – International Museum of Ceramic Art – Middlefart – Denmark

Project Network 2010 – International Ceramic Research Center Guldagergaard – Apple House Gallery Skælskør – Denmark

Her works can be found in the collection of:

Parco della Scultura – Riserva Naturale Gole di San Venanzio – Raiano (AQ) – Italy

Yingge Ceramics Museum – New Taipei City, Taiwan

ICMEA Exhibition Hall – International Ceramic Art Museum – Fuping Pottery Art Village – China

Parco della Scultura – Castelbuono di Bevagna (PG) – Italy

Museo Civico Palazzo dei Consoli – Gubbio (PG) – Italy

Museo G. Gianetti – “Collezione ‘900 e Contemporanei” – Saronno (VA) – Itay

Palazzo Malizia – “Collezione Vaselle D’Autore” – Torgiano (PG) – Italy

Simultaneously to the sculptor activity she is Professor of ceramics techniques and sculpture techniques at the Academy of Fine Art of Perugia “Pietro Vannucci”and at the Academy of Fine Art of Urbino.
She holds workshop and courses at public institutions, like GNAM of Rome and in private studios in Italy and aboard.